Our Work

Strengthening Local Food Movement * Building Sustainable Food Systems * Defending Lands, Water and Climate

The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance is a network of Colorado family farms, winemakers, brewers, food producers, chefs and restaurateurs, who are working together to support a more sustainable secure, equitable, and resilient food system and to protect our farms, foods, and drink by taking action on climate change and to defend Colorado’s lands and water.  

Our Work

Strengthening the Local Food Movement to Build Farm and Food Leaders.

The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance seeks to connect organizations, businesses, and individuals, that contribute to or identify with the local food movement, to share ideas, build skills, and benefit from networking opportunities in order to strengthen and promote the value of Colorado’s homegrown and craft food and drink, and to build leadership that can better advocate on behalf of sustainability, climate action, and to protect our healthy lands and water. 

Building Resilient, Fair, and Secure Communities that can Protect Sustainable Food System.

The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance seeks to create a more secure, equitable, and resilient agriculture and food systems, by supporting local communities working to implement more sustainable agricultural practices and develop more clean energy solutions, and in support of a just economic transition. 

Defending Healthy Lands, Clean Water and Stable Climate to Protect our Farms, Food and Drink.

The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance seeks to protect our farms, food, and drink by defending the health of our lands and our reliable supply of clean water. Colorado’s award-winning wines and craft beers, as well as our agriculture, all depend on clean water. But oil and gas can put our water supplies in jeopardy, by diverting water from agriculture to fracking and other oilfield use, and through spills and pollution. And Oil and gas can harm the health of the land and soils upon which farming depends. 


Our supporters speak up:

What we are doing in this valley, with agritourism, preserving sustainable, family farms, is important—and it depends on keeping this place intact.  Some places are important as is, and oil and gas development doesn’t fit with what is already there and working.  We shouldn’t just drill anywhere, instead we need to identify places that are important to Colorado and protect them.

-Scott Horner, Small Potatoes Farm and CSA

Our ranch raises natural grass fed beef and we grow specialty hay for sale around the West, and it’s just good practice to be smart about where we drill.  There are places to develop energy but not where we grow food—I don’t want a fracking spill in my hayfield. 

-Landon Deane, Eagle Butte Ranch

Our businesses are hugely dependent on our wonderful views.  We need to plan in a way that protects the places of value, and make sensible choices about where and how drilling activity occurs.  We need to strike a smart balance.

-Ty Gillespie, Azura Cellars & Gallery

My customers expect food that is well-sourced and healthy, that comes from a place where industrial contamination is not a risk.  My business depends on healthy lands and clean water—our lands need to be managed for all their values, not just the oil and gas that might be extracted.

-Jensen Cummings, Denver Chef and Restaurateur