Building Resilient, Fair, and Secure Communities

Protecting Sustainable Food Systems

The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance networks family farms, winemakers, brewers, food producers, chefs and restaurateurs to cultivate and strengthen the local food movement, to support sustainable rural communities, and to provide a platform for effective climate and conservation advocacy.

Our Work – Just Sustenance 

Building Resilient, Fair, and Secure Communities that can Protect Sustainable Food System.

The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance seeks to create more secure, equitable, and resilient agriculture and food systems, by supporting local communities working to implement more sustainable agricultural practices and develop more clean energy solutions, and in support of a just economic transition to a future of shared abundance that benefits all Coloradans. 

Our Programs

Farm and Food Allies: Strengthening the Local Food Movement to Build Farm and Food Leaders.

Just Sustenance: Building Resilient, Fair, and Secure Communities that can Protect Sustainable Food System.

Conservation Advocacy and Climate Action: Defending Healthy Lands, Clean Water and Stable Climate to Protect our Farms, Food and Drink. 

Activities & Events

Just Sustenance

What is ‘Rural Prosperity’?                           June 2019

On June 14 we set out to see if we could apply a tech-world problem-solving exercise known as ‘rapid prototyping’ to unlocking some solutions around fostering rural prosperity.

The Rural Prosperity Challenge brought together about 25 local community leaders from a range of backgrounds and professions, to consider three challenge questions. More details on results — what we learned and what solutions we developed can be found in our blog.

And we also invite everyone to consider for yourself what ‘rural prosperity’ means – because healthy, sustainable, and vibrant rural areas are a vital link to a more food secure, and equitable, world. 

You can take two surveys that were used to develop our challenge questions here and here.  Check out our slideshow on how this problem-solving process works here The Fabric of Place

Place matters. Stories hold communities together. Read vignettes and articles from and about the North Fork Valley at our sister-project

Community Fair & Local Solutions Expo     May 2020


Each year the Colorado Farm & Food Alliance teams up with The Learning Council to host the North Fork Community Fair – an all day extravaganza that has become a valley showcase at the start of an ever more busy spring – summer – fall tourist season.

This event brings together local community groups, businesses, and vendors to share ideas, inspiration, and various goods – along with live music, local food, and craft drinks. 

Join us in Paonia Town Park in May 2020 as we bring this fun event back for its sixth year. 

Local Food - Global Change – Just Transition